RNB's Redemption

       For Lovers of music and specifically Rnb fans, true RNB fans with wealth of experience about the distinctive features of Original RNB, it's almost impossible to deny that you've never had an innate distaste about the new evolution of RNB; clustered with pop, hip-hop, dance hall and a widely consented revolutionary lyric and image of sex appeal(absence of the authenticity of RNB that reflects deep human feelings and uncertainty).
         Some might choose to support the recent innovations and create debates in favour of erasing monotonic taste and flowing with the trend but I'm unstirred in my opinion as well lots of RNB traditionalists that 'RNB has taken a direction it was never meant for'
          A Reoccurring puzzling question 'Who can save RNB?' constantly surfaces on media, publications and personal debates and over the years suggestions have been about 'then' upcoming artistes with potentials of redeeming RNB but over the course of being in the industry they 'ride the wave' and conform to the evolved RNB. Even artistes with prime resolution tagged 'to save R&B' either gets swallowed up in the tsunami of this adulterated RNB and experience a drastic reduction of fan base or become converts of that which they initially battled against (can't beat them, you ..? )
     Rhythm and blues (R&B) has lost its meaning in this evolved RNB, it's originality is near obliteration, the 'Rhythm' is Inclined to other genres and the 'Blues' retired when Brain McKnight, Boyz II Men, Baby face, TLC, Jodeci, Joe Thomas, need I mention more lost their recognition in the recent mainstream industry and these were true RNB singers who upheld the genuine art of Rhythm and Blues.
     To every artistes and producers out there, upcoming and acquainted striving and unyielding in R&B Redemption, PERSEVERE! As long as you keep the spark alive, the prospective explosion to redeem RNB is inevitable.

Kenneth Ubibi


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